
Scandinavian Network of Excellence
Software Configuration Management

Scandinavian SCM day

Presentation abstracts:

CM for cyber-physical systems at Tetra Pak (Magnus Timmerby):
When new software and legacy automation coexist and evolve together in a factory, how do you manage and deploy the combination of software, hardware, data, and eco-systems?

Measuring maturity, the goal is the journey! (Artour Klevin):
In context of large organization where SAFe framework is applied, we need to understand how different products are doing in terms of CI/CD maturity. To capture this we have written down 15 questions, split in three levels: Basic/Intermediate/Advanced.
Our goal is to let the different team answer the question to start thinking about what improvements they can do.
As SCM expert we will help the team to formulate what work need to be done. Then the team can ask management for time/resources for doing the needed improvements.
Goal for Open Space:

The death of branching strategies and what today's best practices look like (Christian Pendleton):
As a consultant in SCM and DevOps branching strategies used to be one of the hot topics in my assignments. Since about two years ago, the subject isn't brought up nearly as often as before. Why is that? Are the tools solving this for us nowadays and what happened to the battle between branching and trunk based development?
I would like to talk about what problem(s) we actually have been trying to solve with branching strategies and how we struggle with them today.

Is Software Configuration Management just a three-letter word? (Lars Bendix):
I remember from when I was still very young and influencable a song called "Love Is Just A Four-Letter Word".
In the same vein you could say that Software Configuration Management is just a three-letter word - SCM. Just like there are other words with four letters that sort of means "love", there are also other words with three letters that sort of means "SCM". Product Data Management (PDM), Product Lifecycle Management (PLM), and Application Lifecycle Management (ALM).
In this micro-tutorial, we will explore what (Software) Configuration Management might be. We will start with the "traditional" definition of what it is - and give a brief look at what it is not. Then we will dig deeper into the other three-letter words and explore what they "sort of" mean.