
Scandinavian Network of Excellence
Software Configuration Management

The common

Common, noun, a piece of open land for public use, especially in a village or town.

One activity that has already been held - and that will continue - is the Scandinavian SCM-day.

In the Öresund area there is currently a group organizing Configuration Management Coffee Meetings (CMCMs).

sneSCM does have a mailing list, but it is only used to announce upcoming SCM events. Since some time we also have our own group on LinkedIn where we can have discussions - and which might be better if you change email address often.

The latest "addition" to the network is an Italian chapter.

It fits well into the idea of creating a virtual network of people interested in and working with Software Configuration Management. Maybe it doesn't match well with our acronym (sneSCM), but then everything started as a local network in Lund ;-)

List of various SCM resources

We are what we repeatedly do.
Excellence, then, is not an act, but a habit.
Will Durant (paraphrasing Aristotle)